Here we answer the most common questions we receive from our users. If you have a question that is not answered here, you are most welcome to contact us.

Is the stamp on the back an expiration date?

According to the new EU Regulation which applies to ALL protective products that are placed on the market throughout the EU and which according to Swedish law everyone must follow, it is stated under point 2.4:

Personal protective equipment that ages. If it is known that the performance of a new piece of personal protective equipment may be significantly affected by ageing, the month and year of manufacture and/or, if possible, the month and year of withdrawal shall be permanently and unmistakably indicated on each piece of protective equipment placed on the market and on the packaging.

We therefore stamp MM/YYYY on the packaging indicating the month and year of manufacture. We have then chosen to use the hourglass and write 60M which indicates the last month of consumption after manufacture. We have borrowed this way of labeling from the Medical standard – ISO 15223-1 and is established within the pharmaceutical industry.

I have had problems with my ears getting blocked and had to remove earwax with ear suction (painful!) and wonder if silicone possibly has accumulated in the ears after at least 15 years of nightly use.

ear suction

You should not do a ear suction until all other methods have been tried. We have ear specialists in our network and they recommend the following if you need to remove wax: Apply a mild, easily flowing oil in the ear canal and insert a plug so that it seals properly and oil does not come out (they recommend e.g. almond oil, but also good quality olive oil works). Leave this overnight and rinse gently with body-warm water, for example, a syringe or ear nozzle. In most of the cases, the oil dissolves the wax and then it is easy to rinse out.

Why can´t you split the silicone plugs?

It is possible to split silicone plugs and use these smaller parts to form a plug. The reason why we do not recommend this is safety in use. In most cases, a split plug is usually too ensure the plug not to be pushed too far into the ear canal, and then you have to seek medical help to get it out. Therefore, we do not recommend to split the silicone plugs. If you want a smaller plug, we suggest that you buy the smaller silicone plug instead, which we call “children’s silicone” because it is smaller. However, not as small as half a normal-sized plug. The small plug is about 2/3 the size compared to the large one. It is also colored purple so that it easly can be seen.

I recently ordered the plugs "discreet" on the internet and find that the colors vary on the ones I received. Are these color deviations only on this product? I have bought this product before but have not seen this before.

We always have tolerance limits on all parts of our raw materials, it can happen that if these limits are at the respective outer limit value and if the plugs are manufactured at the same time when we change/replenish raw materials, it can be seen in color deviation.

It could also be due to the pigment. The beige pigment is heavier and sinks to the bottom, much lighter than other colors, in our raw material containers. It may then happen that some plugs get a little less pigment because of this.

I use your products, but size L is too big for me to sleep with. I've looked at retailers, but can't see any selling your Sleep earplugs in S/M. Do you make them in that size?

The Sleep model is only available in one size, but we have other foam plugs available in smaller sizes. It’s the same material, but different colors.

We recommend that you try Original which is available in both M/L and S/M, it differs by 1.5 mm in diameter and it is not unusual for the ear canals to have different sizes.

To find the best size, you should try both variants.

Bought wax earplugs that I just got home and it says that there may be chemicals that can affect the product. What chemicals are these and can they be harmful to my health? Classic Wax is the product in question and I had intended to use them while sleeping.

The wax plugs are made from vaseline and paraffin, which are the most common ingredients in most skin creams and lip balms.

All our plugs are manufactured in our own factory, Tyringe, from carefully tested raw materials so that our customers will always feel safe.

What is the difference between wax plugs and silicone plugs?

The biggest difference between wax and silicone is that the wax adapts to the temperature of the skin, and that it is very greasy, which can provide a softening effect at the opening of the ear canal.

The stickiness disappears as you use the plugs, which applies to both the wax plugs and the silicone plugs. However, you can process/roll the wax so that the stickiness returns. You can’t do that with silicone.

It is a matter of personal preference which one likes best – wax or silicone – as they apply and work the same way.

Why do your foam plugs have a hole in the back of the plug?

The hollowed-out cross on the back of our stoppers is for a better grip on the stopper.

In this way, it becomes easier to insert the plug, as well as take it out, which provides a better user experience. This function does not affect the cushioning ability of the plug.

I have been using your wax plugs for a long time and therefore feel a difference compared to before. Have you made any changes to your wax plugs?

We have tweaked a few things with our wax plugs after gathering feedback from our customers. Below is a complete background:

  1. Stickiness: We’ve had too many users complain that the plugs have been sticky, that they’ve gotten stuck in their hair, and that some users have pushed them so far into the ear that they had trouble getting them out because stikiness. Therefore, we have reduced this a bit.
  2. Size: We have often heard that users split the plug into 2 parts because the plug was too big. When you do this, the risk of the plug being too small and going too far into the ear increases. Therefore, we have reduced the diameter, and we have reduced the weight by 0.3 grams.
  3. Cotton: In the past, we have sometimes received complaints that the plug splits during use. In all the cases where we were told how to do it as a user, it turns out that they rolled the plug with the cotton left and did not get all the cotton to mix with the wax. Then there are weak spots with a lot of cotton and little wax, which leads to the plug splitting at this spot. Therefore, we have chosen a different color and method of applying the cotton. It should not be stuck so tightly, i.e. be easier to remove and just make it clearer that the cotton should be removed before use.

The damping values ​​for the new model have not been affected by the improvements, but are the same as before.

There are so many different types of earplugs. Which earplugs are best?
It’s entirely a matter of personal preference. All ear canals are different in terms of size, shape and bends. Therefore, the sound attenuation, but also the perceived comfort and ease of use, will be individually different for different individuals. That is why there is a need for different types/variants. Try several variations and choose the type that works best for you and your needs.
It says disposable plugs on the packaging. Can they only be used once?
Disposable plugs are usually made of materials that are unsuitable or difficult to clean. Earplugs contaminated with a combination of earwax and dirt from previous use form a breeding ground for bacterial growth. Bacteria that may pose a risk of ear canal irritations/infections. The name “Disposable plugs” is therefore based on the hygiene aspect. However, the sound attenuation does not change/reduce when reused.
I am hypersensitive/allergic to Latex. Do the earplugs contain "Latex"?
None of our earplugs contain Latex (natural rubber)
How do you know which size to use?
It is not really possible to know without trying it out because the size of the ear canals varies from person to person. To help, it may be good to know the following:
– that the average woman has smaller ear canals than the average man.
– that children & young people usually have smaller ear canals than adults
– that the left & right ear canals in each individual usually differ very little in size
Is the stamp on the back an expiration date?
No, there is no expiration date. The stamp is a batch number that is used to track when the product was packed and the included components were manufactured.
Where can you buy SwedSafe's earplugs?
You can buy SwedSafe’s earplugs at physical pharmacies; Kronan’s pharmacy, Lloyds Apotek and Apoteksgruppen. You can also buy them online at, Ö or
Do the plugs contain any hazardous material?
No, we choose our materials carefully and do not use any materials that are prohibited according to EU regulations, or listed as suspected of being harmful to health/environmentally dangerous. The materials used for the various
Plugs are reported on the packaging and in the product information on our website
How do you know which earplug dampens the most and the least?
An indication is obtained from the SNR value that is reported on the respective product type’s packaging.
However, the damping does not only depend on the product itself, but also on the correct application (insertion) of the plugs and the use of the correct size.
What is the SNR value reported?
SNR is an abbreviation of the term “Single Number Rating” where the initials are used.
The SNR value is a value that should show a product type’s attenuation capacity (in dB) and which is calculated by an accredited and independent testing institute, which has also performed the product testing, in accordance with a methodology laid down in an EN standard (EN 352).
If the earplug has a high SNR value, this indicates a better damping ability.
Under each product on our website, you can see which SNR our earplugs have.
Does Musik&Sim contain latex or rubber?
No, neither nor. All our reusable plugs (Musik&Sim, Flyg and Eargo) are completely free of latex and rubber. They are made of TPE (Thermoplastic).
Can the expansion time be affected by humidity and temperature?
Yes, both humidity and temperature affect the expansion time. Higher temperature and higher humidity mean that the expansion time is shorter, and vice versa. Lower temperature and less moisture make the expansion time longer again.
It has started to "rustle" in my ears since I started using earplugs regularly when sleeping and in everyday life. What is it due to?
There can be various reasons for it, but it most likely has to do with earwax .

All types of earplugs block the ear canal – it is intended and necessary for them to stop sound. It also means that they sometimes stop earwax from coming out, and then this can remain in the ear canal and to some extent dry and become like small flakes or lumps. Sometimes these can get stuck in the small hairs that are in all ears and then give off a rustling sound.

If you use wax plugs and have not removed the cotton that protects the wax plug, or at least not removed all of it, some of the cotton can mix with your earwax, and when this dries, it can also rustle.

It could also be something else that rustles, but the function of the earwax is to “slowly rinse clean”, so regardless of what it is that rustles, it is surely mixed with earwax.

Some good advice!

Go to the nearest pharmacy and buy Revaxör, explain that you want to clean the ear canal, and they will show you how to do it. Continue to use earplugs as usual.

If that does not help, our advice is that you contact an ear doctor.

How to best protect the hearing of small children? For how young children can you use your hearing protectors for children?
We have two different children’s products: children’s silicone and children’s cover.

For protection against loud noises, the children’s hood is the option we mainly recommend for the first years. It has the highest damping and is both the easiest and safest to use. But we have set as official recommendation to start using at 6 months at the earliest. It’s not because of the size of the cap, but because the fontanelle can be a bit sensitive. The children’s hood is admittedly soft and does not have any major pressure, and it can also be regulated by making the jumper itself a little longer.

If you would like to use hearing protection earlier than 6 months and do not think that the cover feels like a good alternative then, there is also the children’s silicone. Actually, we do not recommend using this before the age of 3, as there is a risk that the child will put it in their throat if they pull the silicone out of their ear and put it in their mouth. But a child under 6 months is not really capable of pulling something out of the ear, so the risk is therefore slightly lower in the first months. Having said that, it is still fine to use the product if you as a parent have constant supervision, many of us here at the company do. As I said, it’s just a matter of being aware of the risk.

You don’t put the children’s silicone into the ear, but soften it between your fingers and then push it out like a cover on the outside of the ear canal. For it to work, it must close tightly against the skin around the entrance. As it is not so easy to communicate with children under the age of 3, this is also a reason for our age recommendation. We would recommend that if you want to use the children’s silicone, buy a package of “adult silicone” and try putting it in place on yourself first. Then you will have a better idea of ​​how to apply it to your child so that it closes tightly and provides the desired protection.

Does Music/Sim provide maximum noise reduction?
No, Music/sim are not made for maximum noise reduction. They dampen approx. 25 – 30 decibels depending on the frequency, which is what you want when you want to protect yourself, but still hear e.g. music.

If you want a lot of cushioning, we recommend that you learn to use foam plugs. They have the highest damping, but are more difficult to insert the first few times. Once you’ve learned, it’s easy as hell.

See our instructional videos for foam plugs.

Does Thermoplastic (TPE) contain silicone?
No, Thermoplastic does not contain silicone. Only our silicone earplugs contain silicone.

All plastics are divided into two different groups; Thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics.

Thermoplastic is a collective term for all types of plastic that have in common that they soften and become malleable (melt) when heated and solidify again when cooled. Thermoplastics is a collective term for all the plastics that are not Thermoplastics, and whose molecules are bound together through a hardening process that makes them non-meltable and non-reformable.

What material are the Music/Sim earplugs made of?

Music/Sim are made of soft TPE plastic.

We have carefully considered the thickness of the flanges on our earplugs so that they should be as thin as possible for maximum comfort, but at the same time be thick enough to block out sound and water.